Working group
The main purpose of the Securitisation working group is to monitor and comment on the securitisation regulatory environment in Luxembourg and Europe.
It shall futher facilitate the development of a Luxembourgish market position on specific questions and interpretations and foster the the attractiveness of Luxembourg as a center to domicile, administer and/or manage regulated and non-regulated securitisation vehicles or funds.
The Securitisation working group is monitoring and commenting on developments of the European and Luxembourgish regulatory environment for securitisation. In this function, the working group members meet and exchange on a regular basis and publish position papers or hold webinars from time to time, e.g. previously on the EU Securitisation regulation. The aim is to develop recommendations to improve the attractiveness of Luxembourg as a center to domicile, administer and/or manage regulated and non-regulated securitisation vehicles or funds.
The group is composed of representatives of the main Luxembourg law firms, audit firms, corporate servicers, banks and the stock exchange. In this set-up, the working group is able to develop a holistic market view on different subjects and represent the Luxembourg capital markets community vis-à-vis Luxembourgish and European regulators.
- Securitisation

This updated position paper has been prepared by the Securitisation Working Group and addresses certain specific issues raised by the Regulation (EU) 2017/2402 of 12 December 2017, hereafter referred to as the EU Securitisation Regulation, which is applicable from 1 January 2019 to securitisation transactions carried out on or after that date and is closely linked to market practice.

Our latest paper “CLOs: A New Dawn for Luxembourg” is now accessible to all our followers! Our Securitisation Working Group touches some interesting points regarding the amendment of the Luxembourg Securitisation Law and illustrates how its modernization is ushering in a new dawn for Luxembourg in CLOs securitisation.

Since the enactment of the Securitisation Law, Luxembourg has proven to be one of the prime locations for securitisation transactions in Europe and has become a hub for the setup of securitisation structures. For the purpose of exchanging views regarding the Luxembourg securitisation business, LuxCMA has set-up a specific task force dealing only with securitisation questions. The first output of this group is the "EU Securitisation Regulation Position...
3 questions to… Markus Zenz
1️⃣ What is the PwC x LuxCMA market study about?
2️⃣ What are the advantages of Luxembourg as issuer jurisdiction?
3️⃣ What are the main (and maybe new) asset classes the survey identified?
3 questions to… Andreas Heinzmann
Is securitisation an important industry for the financial center in Luxembourg?
What are the latest developments regarding the EU Sec Reg?
Which are the benefits of securitisation for the financial sector and the real economy?