Legal & Regulatory Watch I Tracker I Monthly Update

Discover the latest initiatives recently added to ourย ๐—Ÿ๐—ฒ๐—ด๐—ฎ๐—นย &ย ๐—ฅ๐—ฒ๐—ด๐˜‚๐—น๐—ฎ๐˜๐—ผ๐—ฟ๐˜†ย ๐—ง๐—ฟ๐—ฎ๐—ฐ๐—ธ๐—ฒ๐—ฟ. This useful tool has been designed to inform of potential and/or upcoming developments in the capital markets legal and regulatory landscape with a particular focus on draft laws, open consultations and calls for evidence. The tracker will be updated on a monthly basis. We encourage all interested parties to explore this valuable resource and reach out to if you are interested in assisting the LuxCMA in responding to consultations, commenting on draft laws or similar initiatives.

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Legal & Regulatory Watch l EU Commission’s Call for Evidence – The Single Market Strategy 2025

LuxCMA recognises the pivotal role that the Single Market plays in fostering economic growth, enhancing competitiveness, and creating opportunities for both businesses and investors. The seamless integration of markets across European Union (EU) Member States not only facilitates the free flow of goods, services, capital, and people but also drives innovation and efficiency within economies. In this respect, we are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the European Commissionโ€™s call for evidence on the Single Market Strategy 2025 and to provide our perspective on the most effective ways to support and advance the principles of the Single Market.

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Legal & Regulatory Watch I Newsflash l Update on European Green Bonds Standard

Recently, the Council of the European Union (EU) officially passed the Regulation on European Green Bonds, including optional disclosures for bonds marketed as environmentally sustainable and for sustainability-linked bonds.ย Check outย LuxCMAโ€™s view on the matter.

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Legal & Regulatory Watch I Newsflash I MiCA Proposed Regulation: Provisional agreement reached between the Council Presidency and the European Parliament

The proposal for a Regulation on ๐— ๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐—ธ๐—ฒ๐˜๐˜€ ๐—ถ๐—ป ๐—–๐—ฟ๐˜†๐—ฝ๐˜๐—ผ-๐—”๐˜€๐˜€๐—ฒ๐˜๐˜€ (โ€œ๐— ๐—ถ๐—–๐—”โ€) is moving forward after a provisional agreement was reached between the Council presidency and the European Parliament on 30 June 2022. Our Legal & Regulatory Watch Working Group worked on this subject.

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Legal & Regulatory Watch I Newsflash I Women on Boards Proposed Directive: A significant Step towards Gender Equality on Boards

Significant step towards gender equality on boards, LuxCMA welcomes the political agreement on the proposal for a Directive on improving the gender balance among non-executive directors of companies listed on stock exchanges and related measures, the so-called ๐—ช๐—ผ๐—บ๐—ฒ๐—ป ๐—ผ๐—ป ๐—•๐—ผ๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐—ฑ๐˜€ ๐——๐—ถ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ๐—ฐ๐˜๐—ถ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ. Find out more about the proposed measures of this important piece of legislation in our newsflash.

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Sustainable Finance I Statement I Proposal for a EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDD)

Published on 23 February 2022, the proposal for a ๐™‰๐™š๐™ฌ ๐˜ฟ๐™ž๐™ง๐™š๐™˜๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ซ๐™š ๐™ค๐™ฃ ๐˜พ๐™ค๐™ง๐™ฅ๐™ค๐™ง๐™–๐™ฉ๐™š ๐™Ž๐™ช๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™–๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™–๐™—๐™ž๐™ก๐™ž๐™ฉ๐™ฎ ๐˜ฟ๐™ช๐™š ๐˜ฟ๐™ž๐™ก๐™ž๐™œ๐™š๐™ฃ๐™˜๐™š is aiming to foster sustainable and responsible corporate behavior throughout global value chains. It provides for new due diligence obligations, tightening the existing requirements under the Luxembourg laws. Getting sustainability due diligence implemented is not going to happen overnight and a number of shortcomings need to be addressed in order for this objective to be obtained.

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ESAP l LuxCMA feedback on the establishment of a single access point

The establishment of an European Single Access Point (ESAP) by 2024 is a flagship action of the Capital Markets Union (CMU) Action Plan adopted by the European Commission in September 2020. Aiming to provide an EU wide access to company information, the proposed regulation could have a positive impact on local capital markets. However, a number of significant shortcomings need to be addressed in order for this objective to be obtained.

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Listing Act l LuxCMA response to the EU Commission Consultation

How to improve the access to capital markets by companies in the EU and on the functioning of primary and secondary markets in the EU? This is the question that LuxCMA answered through the online targeted consultation conducted by the European Commission open until 25 February 2022.

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Supervisory convergence and the single rulebook l LuxCMA responses to EU Commission Consultation

On 21 May 2021, LuxCMA - Luxembourg Capital Markets Association responded to the European Consultation on supervisory convergence and the single rule book, which was published by the European Commission on March 2021. This consultation aimed to gather targeted views on certain aspects related to the 2019 ESAs review and will contribute to a wider debate on supervisory convergence and the single rulebook.

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